Alyson Curtis
Alyson Curtis is a mild mannered graphic and web designer by day and a coveter of the stage by night. She began taking on the smaller roles and bit parts, (as long as they didn’t involve singing.) Alyson has appeared on stage in seven productions by the Weird Sisters, and has enjoyed growing her roles from six lines in Twelfth Night (as the Priest) to a full fledged supporting role in 2013’s production of Brides of the Moon. She enjoys the Weird Sisters’ collaborative process and the conversations that emerge behind the scenes almost as much as playing on stage. In addition to playing the random servant, citizen, nurse, ghost, sailor, or teacher in space, she serves as the in-house poster designer as well as mistress of this very website you are currently perusing.
Originally from Durango, Colorado, Alyson has made her home in Austin, Texas since 1997. She lives with her husband and business partner Josh and a pair of sweet sibling cats named Mia and Miko. Together they run Alyson Design, a busy graphic and web design studio.