Ladies, stuff a cucumber down your drawers and bust out your handle-bar mustache. Gentlemen, smear on some red lipstick and fill your bra with plenty of toilet paper because THE WEIRD SISTERS are throwing a DRAG PROM!
The Weird Sisters Theater Collective invite you to join us for a night filled with live music, performance, cocktails, dancing and gender-bending attire! Please come ready to support our upcoming summer performance of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Suggested entry is $10 and up.
Featuring entertainment by Austin’s own Kings N Things and the Queertastiks, with the fabulous musical stylings of J_Dub and the Tease and the Kari K Band! Bid on some swanky merch in our silent auction! Vote for Prom King and Prom Queen! We’ll have photo fun and lots of zexy Weird Sisters to fill your dance card. Don’t miss it!
When: June 23, 2011 from 8pm to 11pm
Where: Mercury Hall – 615 Cardinal Lane
Dress to transgress; bras, beards and bards welcome! Invite all your friends and anyone you want to make friends with. Invite your boss, we might have a sweet mustache she can borrow for the night, and you’ll get a raise in the morning.
Silent Auction Items
Turquoise and Silver Accessories
Vintage Goods
Theater Tickets
American Apparel Gift Card
Kitchen Items
Restaurant Gift Certificates, including Kerby Lane
… and more!
If you would like to donate an item to our silent auction, please email us